NORFOLK ISLAND’S Underwater videos
These videos will give you an idea of what you can expect to see under the waves, straight off the beach on Norfolk Island.

#Doris the green sea turtle

Catfish in Slaughter

Mullets and the darts

Green moon wrasse

Luculent wrasse using tools? You betcha!

Green moon wrasse in the sargassum

Reef life in Emily Bay

Life cycle of the mouth-brooding Norfolk cardinalfish

A doubleheader finds a snack

Green sea turtle, Honu

Norfolk Island, Underwater

Butterflyfish, Norfolk Island

Coral spawning, Norfolk Island, 1 January 2024

Doris, the green sea turtle, one year on

Is this a healthy coral reef? Norfolk Island

Stout moray and friends, Norfolk Island

One morning, out on a swim on Norfolk Island's reef

Following a doubleheader and juvenile trevally, Norfolk Island

Busy fish, Norfolk Island

My daily addiction - Emily Bay, Norfolk Island

Two gorgeous, graceful snub-nosed darts, side by side, swimming in unison

A common Sydney octopus, Octopus tetricus, in Emily Bay, early morning

Bluestreak cleaner wrasse hard at work, Norfolk Island

Honu, one of Norfolk Island's resident green sea turtles, just chilling

The dead zone: a cyanobacterial mat covering Norfolk Island's reef

Lady Musgrave blennies, mating season, Norfolk Island

Honu, one of Norfolk Island's green sea turtles

Rare sighting of a critically endangered juvenile hawksbill turtle in Emily Bay, on Norfolk Island

Doubleheader and a juvenile trevally, Norfolk Island

A pair of white-speckled sea hares, Aplysia argus, mating. Norfolk Island

Busy fish!

Swimming with a green moon wrasse, Norfolk Island

A trapped convict snake eel, Norfolk Island

Emily Bay, Norfolk Island, is teeming with juvenile Norfolk cardinalfish

Early morning out on a swim

Stripeys in Slaughter Bay, Norfolk Island

White-speckled seahare

An ocellate snake eel

Blue corals of Norfolk Island

George, the surge wrasse, Norfolk Island

Da bad boyz!